Fees Management

Managing Fees Effectively & Effortlessly

School admission is all about financial transactions comprising fee structure, fee reports, fee reminders, cheque processing, security deposits, fee refunds, and notifications. With so many financial transactions, it becomes a matter of concern and, of course, a matter of accuracy. There is no space for errors, mistakes, or fraudulent transactions. And this calls for an effortless approach to managing fees within the campus. Here, CyberVidya pouts forth its essence with meaning and power.

An ERP software that is fully customized with all essential fee parameters that work to manage fees effortlessly and delivers an improved experience for students and parents.

Whether automating the fee collection process, customizing fee structure, sending notifications for pending fees, defining collection schedules, generating receipts, collecting penalties, or generating fee reports, the software does all. In addition, it enables to streamline all the fee processes into an integrated dashboard with high levels of accuracy and efficacy.

Define fee structure and automatically link it with a student account
­Manage all the fees-related transactions and generate payment receipts
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